Controversial shooter Six Days in Fallujah coming to Early Access this month

Victura and Highwire Games have announced the upcoming highly-tactical First Person Shooter Six Days in Fallujah is coming to Steam Early Access on June 22nd.

Six Days in Fallujah was developed with help from more than 100 Marines and Soldiers who served in the infamous battle to bring authenticity to the real-world scenarios they encountered.

The controversial title has been announced and cancelled a number of times due to multiple waves of backlash glorifying the horrible situation people really went through less than 20 years ago. Development on the title began 18 years ago meaning those wounds were very much raw.

Whether people are excited about the title or not, it is finally being released into Early Access on June 22nd.

Six Days introduces many new technologies that make combat more realistic:

  • Procedural Architecture re-shapes the inside and outside of every building each time the game is played. Just like the real battle, players never know what to expect.
  • Block-scale AI is a dramatic new approach to AI based on insurgent tactics from the battle. Unlike games in which AI is constrained to move in very small areas, AI enemies in Six Days can go anywhere on the battlefield, and they will stalk, flank, and ambush players while coordinating their attacks with each other and luring players into difficult situations.
  • Global Dynamic Lighting simulates real weather and lighting effects dynamically, so visibility shapes gameplay, especially as players move between blindingly bright outdoors and terrifyingly dark indoors. Realistic smoke, dust, and weather effects complicate visibility in unpredictable ways.
  • Tactical Indoor/Outdoor Sandbox. Players — and their AI enemies — are free to approach challenges from any direction in Six Days in Fallujah. Rather than breaching a house through a front door, for example, players might choose to climb to a rooftop, or cross rooftops on wooden planks, to attack from the top down.

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